Back in 1964, Raphael Mechoulam found two important cannabinoids, THC, along with CBD, and this also soon led to another discovery in 1988, called the endocannabinoid system. These Phyto cannabinoids—plant cannabinoids, were able to bind with the CB1 and the CB2 receptors, respectively, in order to offer stability, or homeostasis, within your body, offering better organ function before.
With over 100 different cannabinoids within this, it can help with everything from inflammation, spasms muscle pain, and a whole lot more.
What the system is
Your endocannabinoid system helps with the body functions, making sure that they’re optimal through regulating the energy levels, the mood, immunity, blood pressure, how we manage stress, pain, hunger, and a whole lot more.
While the endocannabinoid system is still kind of new, you need to make sure that you understand that research is something that’s critical for keeping the bodily functions at the optimal level.
There are three main parts to this.
The first is the endocannabinoids, which are created through our body, expressed through the CNS and the PNS within our body. they also provide signals to the cells in the nerve areas, in order to ensure that everything is functioning correctly.
Next you’ve got the cannabinoid receptors, which are within the body, embedded within the cell membranes, and the Phyto cannabinoids found within this, known as THC and CBD, do attach to the receptors within the ECS as well.
The first is your CB1 receptors, which are found within the CNS, and this is usually within the basal ganglia, the cortex, the cerebellum, and the hippocampus.
The second thing is the CB2 receptors, which are found within the tonsils, white blood cells, and your spleen, which indicates that these help with the immune system functions.
The third thing is the enzymes, which are used to break the cannabis down once they’ve managed to carry out the functions at hand.
Managing Pain with the ECS
The ECS is vital for a lot of pain regulation, since it can activate the receptors within. Medical cannabis has over 100 different cannabinoids, and when they get ingested, the ECS helps to regulate along with transport them throughout your body. phytocannaboinoids found within your ECS are very important also can be used to help with binding the receptors directly towards the body, enhancing the current system, and also influencing the current functions of the system too.
Some studies say as well that two types of different chemicals, AEA along with 2-AG, also do help with suppressing pain. some studies have found that cannabis, along with cannabinoid receptors, are great for neuropathic pain that’s within a person. It’s good not just for relieving pain within humans, but also for managing this in a lot of cases, and it can be used as well as a means to substitute out the need for pain meds and opioids, both of which can be highly addictive and can also cause possible addiction, overdose, and other problems too.
Medical cannabis does help with pain management as well of the following:
Spasms of muscles
As you can see, from all of this, you can use this as a vital tool for the management and handling of pain within the body.
If you’re someone who has a lot of issues with pain management and would like to experience relief today, then you’re not alone. You can get relief through the use of medical cannabis today.
Talk to a doctor and see if they can help today!